Bin range histogram excel
Bin range histogram excel

You can see roughly where the peaks of the distribution are, whether the distribution is skewed or symmetric, and if there are any outliers. Histograms are good for showing general distributional features of dataset variables. If we only looked at numeric statistics like mean and standard deviation, we might miss the fact that there were these two peaks that contributed to the overall statistics. There’s also a smaller hill whose peak (mode) at 13-14 hour range. We can see that the largest frequency of responses were in the 2-3 hour range, with a longer tail to the right than to the left. Each bar covers one hour of time, and the height indicates the number of tickets in each time range. The histogram above shows a frequency distribution for time to response for tickets sent into a fictional support system. Each bar typically covers a range of numeric values called a bin or class a bar’s height indicates the frequency of data points with a value within the corresponding bin.

bin range histogram excel

A histogram is a chart that plots the distribution of a numeric variable’s values as a series of bars.

Bin range histogram excel